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SourceWeightOrdering< EdgeType > Class Template Reference
A StrictWeakOrdering predicate which can be used to compare two edges first by the source vertex, then - if the source vertices are equal - by weight.
#include <edge.h>
List of all members.
Public Methods |
bool | operator() (const EdgeType &e1, const EdgeType &e2) const |
Static Public Methods |
EdgeType | min_value () |
EdgeType | max_value () |
Detailed Description
template<typename EdgeType = Edge>
class SourceWeightOrdering< EdgeType >
A StrictWeakOrdering predicate which can be used to compare two edges first by the source vertex, then - if the source vertices are equal - by weight.
Used as comparison type by stxxl::priority_queue. The largest element, which is returned by top(), is the edge with the highest source vertex ID and (if there are several edges with the same source vertex) minimum weight.
Definition at line 201 of file edge.h.
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