A Comparison between Bead Sort, Distribution Counting and Merge Sort

Dominik Schultes

25. March 2004

On the Practical Use of Bead Sort (pdf)
C++ program (source code)

Test Runs 1

(The number of keys n varies between 500 000 and 10 000 000 with a step size of 500 000, no key is bigger than a fixed m = 100.)
Bead Sort (data)
Distribution Counting (data)
Merge Sort (data)
gnuplot file to create Figure 1 using the data above

Test Runs 2

(The number of keys n is fixed to 5 000 000, the maximum key m varies between 10 and 1000 with a step size of 10.)
Bead Sort (data)
Distribution Counting (data)
Merge Sort (data)
gnuplot file to create Figure 2 using the data above